
Why is My Angular Array Not Updating in the View?

As an Angular developer, you’ve probably encountered this frustrating scenario: you update an array in your component, but the changes don’t seem to be reflected in the view. You’ve checked your code, and everything looks correct, but the view remains stubbornly unchanged.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this behavior and provide a simple solution to get your array updates reflected in the view.

The Problem: Updating Arrays without Triggering Change Detection

When you update an array in Angular, the change detection mechanism doesn’t always detect the changes. This is because arrays are reference types, and updating an array’s contents doesn’t change the reference itself. As a result, Angular doesn’t trigger a change detection cycle, and your views remain unchanged.

The Solution: Creating a New Array Reference

To overcome this issue, you can create a new array reference using the spread operator (...) or the Object.assign() method. By doing so, you’re creating a new observable that Angular can detect changes on.

Here’s an example of how to update an array using the spread operator:

async assignTasks(event: Event) {
  this.client.allocate(event).subscribe(e => {
    this.events = [...this.events!]; // Create a new array reference
    const index = this.events.findIndex(e => e.id == event.id);
    this.events.find(i => i.id == event.id)!.assignments = e.assignments;

In this example, we’re updating the events array by creating a new array reference using the spread operator (...). This triggers a change detection cycle, and Angular updates the view accordingly.

Why This Works

When you create a new array reference, you’re essentially creating a new observable that Angular can detect changes on. By doing so, you’re telling Angular to re-evaluate the array’s contents and update the view accordingly.

Best Practices

To ensure that your views update correctly when working with arrays, follow these best practices:

  • Use the spread operator (...) or the Object.assign() method to create a new array reference when updating an array’s contents.
  • Avoid mutating arrays directly, as this can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Use the async pipe to handle asynchronous data, as this can help prevent change detection issues.


Updating arrays in Angular can be tricky, but by creating a new array reference using the spread operator (...) or the Object.assign() method, you can ensure that your views update correctly. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can avoid common pitfalls and build robust, efficient Angular applications.






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