
Two-Way Data Binding with Dates: A Common Gotcha

I was having issues getting dates to bind. I realised that when the data came down as a string, the data binding worked fine, but when it came down as a date object, the binding failed. At first, I thought it was a problem with my Angular code, but it turned out to be a more fundamental issue with how dates are handled in two-way data binding.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this issue and discuss some solutions to make two-way data binding with dates work seamlessly.

The Problem

When you use two-way data binding with dates in Angular, you might expect that the date object will be bound to the form control and updated automatically when the user makes changes. However, this is not always the case.

The problem arises when the date object is converted to a string using the toString() method. This method returns a string in a format that is not easily parseable by the Date constructor. When the user updates the form control, Angular will try to convert the string back to a date object using the Date constructor, but this will fail because the string is not in a format that can be parsed.

Why Dates Come Down as Strings

To understand why dates come down as strings, let’s take a look at how dates are handled in JSON. When you send a date object over the wire, it is serialized as a string in ISO 8601 format. This is because JSON does not have a built-in date type, so dates must be represented as strings.

When the data is received by the client, the string is not automatically converted back to a date object. Instead, it remains a string until it is explicitly converted back to a date object using the Date constructor or a library like moment.js.


So, how can you make two-way data binding with dates work? Here are a few solutions:

  1. Use a custom DatePipe: You can create a custom DatePipe to format the date as a string, and then use a custom ngModel parser to convert the string back to a date object.
  2. Use a third-party library: Libraries like moment.js or ngx-datepicker provide a way to handle date formatting and parsing, making it easier to work with dates in two-way data binding.
  3. Send dates as strings: If you have control over the API, you can modify it to send dates as strings instead of date objects. This will ensure that the dates are received by the client as strings and can be bound to the form control without any issues.


Two-way data binding with dates can be tricky, but by understanding the underlying issues and using the right solutions, you can make it work seamlessly. Whether you choose to use a custom DatePipe, a third-party library, or send dates as strings, the key is to ensure that the dates are handled correctly on both the client and server sides.

By following these tips, you can avoid the common gotchas associated with two-way data binding with dates and create a more robust and user-friendly application.






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