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Category: Uncategorized
Scrape a website for suburbs using Beautiful Soup and python
Sometimes you just need a list. No html, no formatting etc, and you need it quick. Here is a quick project to get a list of suburbs from the Brisbane City Council page located here: Of course, you are first going to need to install python, then your dependencies. I use pip to install…
[Solved] how to reset the TOTP secret when locked out of Guacamole
For reference, im using the abesnier/guacamole image.
Ali Express ‘System is Busy’
Is anyone else getting this error? Leave a comment if you are!
Authentik [Solved] {“detail”: “Request denied due to expired/invalid license.”, “code”: “denied_license”}
The issue is described here: In short: The issue was caused by a bug in 2024.2.1 which was fixed in 2024.2.2, but incorrect values could be cached and thus the warning banner/read only mode would wrongly be enabled. The workaround is to remove the faulty cache item (cache.delete(CACHE_KEY_ENTERPRISE_LICENSE)) To fix: Get into the shell…
Addressing web deploy issues
When configuring new web deploys, often one can run into strange issues, and sometimes there isn’t much feedback given. In most cases I have found following these two steps helpful: Check Credentials Ensure that the credentials for the user performing the deployment are accurate. Typically, both read and write access are necessary for successful deployment.…
HELP! Hosting .netcore https site inside docker container.
Im currently running a dev container for my .net core project. After following the directions found here: I can get my site working, so for if example I nav to lhttps://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html then I see my swagger config. Perfect! Also, if I nav to https://localhost:5001/.well-known/openid-configuration my config comes up! Great! Its worth noting that both of…
Developing net core inside docker with https and kestrel
First of all its a good idea to just make sure you can get https dev working locally. Then you can move to https on your container. This guide doesnt cover that but there are heaps of guides out there and the process is pretty straight forward. This guide will only look at https for…
8 Zone HVAC Controller for Home Assistant
I was looking for a solution that replaces a standard zone controller. It takes 24v ac and then sends it out to one of 4 zones to tell them either to open or close. Sometimes at night I want to disable or enable a zone, so I came up with this: The components I used:…
Remember to replace .env with stack.env if you are using docker-compose in portainer! A Quick Guide
Deploying stacks in Portainer can sometimes lead to unexpected hurdles, particularly when it comes to environment configuration files like .env. In this brief guide, I’ll share insights into resolving .env issues within Portainer to help streamline your deployment process. Identifying the Problem: You might encounter errors like “Secret key missing” when deploying stacks in Portainer,…
Handy AWS CLI Install Script ๐งพ
Create a file in your WSL2 environment and paste this in: set it as executable: Then run it like so: You should now have aws cli installed ๐