
Category: Reverse proxy

  • Guacamole Behind Nginx Proxy Manager

    Guacamole Behind Nginx Proxy Manager

    Anyone who has used nginx may agree that nginx proxy manager just adds a nice ui and makes things like refreshing configs easier. I wanted to migrate to it becuase I could use a docker container and it wasnt needed any longer on the host machine. I had an existing domain that wanted to utilise…

  • Automating SSL Certificate Renewal with Certbot and Nginx

    SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are a crucial component of web security, encrypting data transmission between clients and servers. However, SSL certificates have an expiration date, after which they become invalid and must be renewed. SSL certificate renewal can be a tedious and error-prone task, especially for websites with multiple domains and subdomains. Fortunately, the…

  • How to Fix Media Uploads when WordPress is hosted behind NGINX

    How to Fix Media Uploads when WordPress is hosted behind NGINX

    📁 If you’ve ever tried to upload a large file to your WordPress site, you may have encountered the “413 Request Entity Too Large” error. Or perhaps you get strange errors when uploading larger files? This error message can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to upload an important file or media asset to your…

  • How to reload or restart NGINX

    In my experience, there is a difference between restarting nginx using the following: And doing the following The second option above actaully reloads any configuration changes that have been made to to nginx. Before reloading changes, its best to run: So that you can test the configuration first! Hope this helps 🙌