Category: JavaScript

  • 📅 How to Format and order dd-mm-yyyy Dates in jQuery DataTables 📅

    📅 How to Format and order dd-mm-yyyy Dates in jQuery DataTables 📅

    If you’ve ever worked with DataTables, you may have encountered issues with how dates are displayed. By default, DataTables will display dates in a format that may not be easily readable or sortable. However, with a few simple tweaks, you can format your dates to display exactly how you want them. First of all your…

  • Working with Null dates in DateRange Picker.

    Working with Null dates in DateRange Picker.

    👋 Hey there! I recently worked on implementing a date range picker using the Daterangepicker plugin in my web application. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but I learned a lot from the experience. One of the main issues I encountered was how to handle null dates with moment.js library. I found…